Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Books on mushroom cultivation in india by Directorate of Mushroom Research

Here are some of books published by DMR Solan

1.  Shwet button khumb ka utpadan {HINDI} (Rs. 100/-)
                 Dr. Yash Gupta, and Dr. B. Vijay, 93pp. 1996

2.  Grism kaleen shwet button ki kheti (Hindi)(Rs. 50/-)
                 Dr. B.L. Dhar and Dr. R.N. Verma, 29pp. 1998

3.   Mushroom spawn production and infrastructurerequirements (Rs. 50/-)
                 Dr. R.C. Upadhyay, Dr. S.K. Singh and Dr. R.P.Tewari, 38pp., 2004

4.   Farm design for white button mushroom cultivation (Rs. 50/-)
    Dr. B.L. Dhar and Er. T. Arumuganathan, 32pp., 2005

5.   Mushroom utpadan takniki- Ek parichey (Hindi)(Rs. 10/-)
    Dr. M.P. Sagar and Dr. R.N. Verma, 18pp., 2001

6.   Cultivation of oyster mushroom (Rs. 30/-)(xerox copy)
    Dr. R.C. Upadhyay, 28pp., 1990.

7.    Post-harvest technology of mushrooms (xerox copy) (Rs. 30/-)
    Dr. S. Saxena and Dr. R.D. Rai, 18pp., 1990

8.  Mushroom recipes (Rs. 100/-)
     Mrs. Shailja Verma and Dr. R.D. Rai, 73pp. 2005

9.  Training compendium (English) (Rs. 250/-)

10.  Recent advances in the cultivation technology of edible mushrooms (Rs. 250/-)
     Dr. R.N. Verma and Dr. B.Vijay, 295pp. 2002

11.  Frontiers in mushroom biotechnology (Rs. 350/-)
     Dr. R.D. Rai, Dr. R.C. Upadhyay and Dr. S.R.Sharma, 430pp., 2005   

12.   Diseases of mushrooms and their management (Rs. 30/-) (Xerox copy)
     Dr. S.R. Sharma, 61pp., 2005

13.  Insect, mite and nematode pests of mushrooms and their management (Rs. 50/-)
     Dr. Satish Kumar & Dr. S.R. Sharma, 61pp., 2005

For all inquiries regarding publications, please contact:

The Director
National Research Centre for Mushroom
Chambaghat, Solan-173 213 (HP), India
Telephone: (01792) 230451, 230767, 230541 (Ext 101)
Fax: (01792) 231207
Website: www.nrcmushroom.org
Email: nrcmushroom@rediffmail.com

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